Chris Savage
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO and cofounder of Wistia
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If You Want to Be a Good Leader, Understand Your People — Here's Why the Best Entrepreneurs Make Time to Understand Their Employees
Entrepreneurs who quickly identify people's working styles have the best chance of getting the right people in the right seats to scale.
Life's Too Short to Work With Incompatible People — Follow These 3 Secrets To Building High-Performing Teams
Establishing a world-class team that generates good things doesn't happen overnight. You can't hire this kind of team; you build it.
If You Want Your Business to Last, Slow Down — 3 Ways To Prepare Your Company For The Long Haul
With persistence and luck, and by following these three strategies, your business can stay in the 25% of businesses that make it to 15 years in operation.
How Your Leadership Style Impacts Your Business Goals
Leading by example is so much more than having a leadership title.
Everyone Should Be Thinking Remote-First — Here's 3 Reasons Why.
To effectively run a distributed company, you need systems and platforms that help you manage a large, remote workforce.
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