Darian Shimy

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder and CEO of FutureFund

Darian Shimy is the founder and CEO of FutureFund Technology, a fundraising and selling platform for K-12 school groups. He has 25+ years in web-based technologies and managing engineering teams.

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Esta es la razón por la que es bueno dejar que las personas fracasen ahora para que puedan tener éxito más tarde

Permitir que las personas fracasen les ayuda a pensar críticamente y tomar sus propias decisiones.


Why You Have to Let People Fail Now So They Can Succeed Later

Letting people fail helps them think critically and make their own decisions.


¿Debería decírselo a mi jefe? Cómo saber lo que tus superiores necesitan y no necesitan saber

Entender lo que las personas a quienes les reportas necesitan y no necesitan saber garantiza una comunicación más fluida que te llevará a obtener mejores resultados.


Should I Tell My Boss About This? This is How to Balance What Your Direct Reports Do (& Don't) Need to Know

Understanding what your direct reports do and don't need to know ensures smoother communication and leads to better outcomes.


Are You Guilty of Giving Out This Terrible Leadership Advice? Here's How to Help Others Think Big and Why its Key to Success

Thinking bigger sounds easy, but many people struggle with it. Here's why it matters and how to do it.


Be a Coach, Not a Referee — How to be a Good Mentor and Manager from a Coaching Perspective

Good mentors are invested in improving the people who rely on them for guidance.

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