Lilia Stoyanov

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
CEO and Angel Investor at Transformify. Fintech Expert.Professor.

Lilia Stoyanov is a chief executive officer and angel investor at Transformify. A fintech and digital transformation expert, she is also a professor at Zigurat Business School and expert evaluator Horizon 2020 at the European Commission.


Business Solutions

13 Benefits of Using AI-Powered Applicant Tracking Systems

AI-powered applicant tracking systems are seen as the future of recruitment, automating mundane tasks and eliminating unconscious bias.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

The Benefits of Hiring International Contractors

Utilizing international contractors' skills can help promote innovation, productivity, and competitiveness worldwide.

Business Solutions

HR Software 2024 and Beyond: The Rise of Intelligent Workforce Platforms

Most companies use human resources management systems. Here's why.

Science & Technology

AI vs. Human Translators: Who Will Win the Translation Battle?

Millions of people use AI daily to translate various texts, but can AI capture emotional nuance and replace human translators?

Growing a Business

A Three-Fold Increase in Tech Contract Jobs Signals a Shift to Independent Contractors

Efficiently managing compliance, billing, and payments to independent contractors provides a competitive advantage and ensures significant cost savings for businesses of all sizes.

Resumes & Interviewing

AI in Recruitment : The Future of Work or the End of Recruitment Agencies?

Perhaps instead of letting robots handle hiring in its entirety, a balance between AI-driven efficiency and human expertise will be crucial for effective decision-making.

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