Nikita Korchevskyi

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Co-founder and CEO

I worked as the Head of Email Marketing for six years before founding a new startup called Claspo, a an easy to use pop-up builder and management tool, designed to help marketers and business owners. I'm passionate about marketing technology and business, and I enjoy discovering new trends.

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Iniciar un negocio

6 formas de convertir tu pasatiempo en un rentable negocio de nicho

Puede que no ganes mucho, pero hacer lo que te gusta te da más satisfacción laboral y personal.

Business Plans

6 Ways to Turn Your Hobby into a Profitable Market Niche

While not always financially rewarding, doing your hobby often leads to higher work and life satisfaction.


6 Reasons Why You Should Build Brand Equity Early in Your Business

A well-established brand brings more revenue, has more competitive advantages, and can weather any storm, making it easier to run your business and experiment with new tactics.

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